Sweet Potato Puree Recipe.

Baby Health and Safety.

The more babies grow, the more curious they get; therefore, the more prone they get to health and safety hazards, so don’t panic. Here are a a few hazards your baby can encounter and easy tips on how to control the.


Your child will explore the world by putting anything and everything into his or her mouth. Many ordinary things in your house can be poisonous to your child, so be sure to keep household products like cleaners, chemicals and even medicine completely out of sight and reach. Never leave small objects in your child’s reach, do not feed your child hard pieces of food like grapes, peanuts, popcorn… etc

When weaning, it’s important to never leave your baby unsupervised as they could choke on their food. Also ensure that your baby’s food is soft enough for him to mash with his gum. Make sure to remove bones from fish or meat before serving.

Do not panic when your child is choking, back blows and chest thrusts are good ways you can stop your baby from choking.


Children love to play in water, therefore, it is important to ensure that you empty all the water from a bathtub or any container of water after use. Stay within an arms length of your child around water. Never leave your child alone around water, If you have a pool in the house, a wise suggestion would be to install a fence around it.


Children, especially at six to twelve (6-12) months, grab everything within their reach and can easily get burnt. Ensure that you don’t leave hot things like hot liquids, or food near your child. Ensure that they don’t walk around stoves, wall or floor heaters or other hot appliances to avoid getting burns. When you have to do other things, ensure that your child stays in a safe room like the playpen, or that they’re strapped to a high chair; if they have to be around you.

In cases of burns, put the burned surface area in cold water for a few minutes to cool it off. Then cover the burn loosely with a dry bandage or clean cloth.


Because your child is growing and learning to walk, they will fall often. Use gate on stairways and doors to avoid injuries. Remove sharp-edged or hard furniture from your children’s rooms. Baby walkers are not necessary in the house, as your child could fall out of it or even fall down the stairs in it. Baby walkers also allow your children to get to places where they can pull hot substances or heavy objects down on themselves.

In case of serious fall or your child not acting normally after a fall, call your doctor.

Banana Puree Recipe

Banana Puree Recipe

Banana is one of every baby’s favorite fruit and is a perfect first food when weaning. Banana Puree is easy to make and doesn’t need cooking. Bananas are one of the best fruit sources of vitamin B6 which helps your body produce red blood cells and removes unwanted chemicals from your liver and kidneys. Vitamin C in bananas protect your body against cell and tissue damage and helps your body absorb iron better. Manganese in banana helps your body make collagen and protects your skin against free radical damage. potassium in banana is good for your heart rate and blood pressure. Bananas also aid digestion and gives you energy without the fats and cholesterol.


1 ripe banana.

  • Peel the banana, removing all strings
  • Mash the banana until very smooth. (We recommend using our Moobi Food Masher
  • Add baby’s usual milk for extra creaminess, or water for desired consistency and serve.
  • Bananas can be frozen and stored for up to three (3) monthsAfter pureeing your bananas, place leftover puree into airtight storage containers (we recommend using Moobi Food Pot or Moobi freezer tray for best results.
  • Place storage container with puree in the freezer to freeze.
  • Thaw overnight in the fridge.
  • Bananas oxidize when exposed to air
  • To help prevent the puree from browning, you can add a few drops of an acid such as pineapple juice, fresh lemon or orange juice .
  • Some babies react to the acid in citrus fruits, so you may want to check with your doctor first before adding lemon or orange to their puree.